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Exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip sed conseqrure dolorn repreh deris ptate velit ecepteur duis.
The Atlantis Revenue Authority (ARA) today welcomed the Coral City business community through the Coral Chamber of Commerce in Atlantis for a dynamic Stakeholder Engagement Meeting.
Held at the ARA Headquarters, the meeting served as an open forum to strengthen partnerships between the Authority and the Coral City business community. Key topics of discussion included updates on recent tax reforms, improvements in service delivery, and collaborative approaches to fostering economic growth.
During the meeting, ARA representatives highlighted the Authority’s commitment to supporting local businesses by enhancing tax compliance processes and introducing digital tools for efficient service. The Coral Chamber of Commerce commended the ARA’s proactive engagement and provided valuable feedback on the current tax framework, ensuring the needs of businesses are addressed effectively.
The ARA continues to prioritise meaningful dialogue with stakeholders to create a transparent and efficient tax administration system that supports the prosperity of Atlantis.